
First Generation

There was no Eiffel Tower in Paris

The Founders ghost wouldn't leave the house no matter what time of day. I had to go back to my last save point and delete the tombstone as soon as she died

Second Generation

Savannah's LTW disappeared after she achieved it

When Randall moved in the sim panel showed all of Savannah's info, including picture and motives etc. It was the same when Vienna was born for her sim panel too until I restarted the game

Third Generation

Vienna never left for boarding school when she was enrolled. I couldn't remove her from boarding school but she never went to regular school either. This actually worked pretty well as I used the time ro concentrate of skill building and chose a skill-based LTW for her to make the most of it
edit: This glitch also meant she wasn't able to get a job for some reason so ultimately it was a disadvantage!

Fourth Generation

I had the same issue with boarding school with Chuck but for some reason he eventually upped and went, I did discover though that if a sim moves in or gets married a child will return from boarding school for the event so that may fix the glitch in future.. watch this space!

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